
The Department of Science & Humanities ensures great learning experience to students. The Prime motto of the department is to provide a conceptual base in basic sciences, which lay the foundation of different branches of engineering and technology. The department is headed by Mrs. Arokkiya Mary strengthened by a team of 18 competent faculty member of which 10 of them are experienced more than 8 years.

                 The department offers a conducive environment with a galaxy of highly dedicated faculty members, to enable the students to avail and reap maximum benefit of the resources and pool of amenities at their disperse. Apart from the regular classes, the department organizes multifaceted activities for students to keep them in pace with innovation and technology and to elevate students to face challenges with an optimistic approach.


Impart students with pre-requisites of technical know how’s to expedite as an emerging engineers.


  • To provide value – based technical education and mould the character of younger generation.
  • To make them to understand the basic concepts of science to understand the Engineering concepts.

Mrs. A.Arokkiya Mary

Head of the Department

[email protected]

+91 9486684707